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MMD > Archives > June 2007 > 2007.06.27 > 03Prev  Next

Duo-Art Audiographic Rolls
By Randy Hammond

I have never seen or owned any of these.  My guess is that they are
interesting but if these are indeed as expensive as other people are
indicating on this site, I would hope that Aeolian used a much higher
grade of paper on these than they did on regular Duo Art recordings.
If not, you would have a chance at having nothing but trash every time
the piano went into reroll as some of the original Duo Arts are very
fragile and delicate.

Also, if indeed, they are this valuable, my guess is that at some
point, someone will do a subscription reissue.  With today's technology
and the right level of dedication, it is possible to reproduce anything
paper to original plus standards if there is enough demand or people
are willing to pay.

From a personal standpoint, I like having rolls that I can safely play.
I know that some people collect to own with no intention of ever actually
playing or using them as originally intended but paper is one thing
that does not get better with age.  It would make sense that someone
should be scanning these, music and the written descriptions for the

Randy Hammond

(Message sent Wed 27 Jun 2007, 19:30:42 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Audiographic, Duo-Art, Rolls

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