Correction for MMMedia Description of Victoria Rolls
In the Spring, 2007, bulletin of the British PPG, Adam Ramet published
some facts about the Spanish/Catalonian composer Manuel Blancafort
and the Victoria roll factory, which was founded by Manuel's father.
Adam had mentioned this relation before in the MMDigest 2001.01.19,
but I probably overlooked that posting.
Sorry, Adam! The reference you mentioned then is no longer valid.
Anyhow we can now positively associate the roll brand names of
"Victoria" and "Victoria Popular" with the Victoria company located in
La Garriga (Barcelona). There are several bibliographic entries in the
Biblioteca Nacional de España for piano rolls that confirm this fact.
Walter Tenten
[ Jose Oliver y Co. of Madrid was maybe the selling agent. At
[ is a short biography
[ of the composer, Manuel Blancafort. -- Robbie