A fellow collector and I have been discussing our Dulciphone
roll-playing organettes. I have yet to get a treadle sewing machine
for mine. What I was told by the other Dulciphone owner is that he has
tried three different types of treadle machines (different companies)
and he could not get the Dulciphone to line up with the flywheel.
I went on the Internet to do investigating and also consulted Bowers'
Encyclopedia, page 764, and Kevin McElhone's "The Organette Book",
page 87-90. This is what I concluded: the Dulciphone actually went
on top of the machine! It either was attached to the box that covered
the sewing machine or in a different model it _was_ the cover to the
sewing machine.
I realize that the drawn pictures of these machines can make it look
different then how it is used but in both models the paper is facing
front to back, which would put the flywheel away from the sewing
machine's flywheel.
If you go to the links I have posted the pictures that you will find
has the same exact ad but the two different Dulciphones. In what
I think is the older model you will see that the woman's arm is
reaching out to behind the cover, while in the newer model her arm
is down.
Possibly the older version of the Dulciphone:
Possibly the newer version of the Dulciphone:
Leslie Hoffman