In 070403 MMDigest [Church Organ Pipes in a Band Organ], Art Reblitz
puts forth quite a few questions, and I would assume they were meant
to point out that there is a distinct difference in sounds and
a reason for those differences. And, since most of us read MMD to
see what we can learn, perhaps he could have spent the time explaining
the difference, rather than making some of us wonder.
Howard Jensen
[ It's nigh impossible to discuss organ sounds without having the
[ sounds to study. Art declared the scope of his article: "The
[ following discussion [is] to introduce you to the thought process
[ that hopefully will produce a more satisfying end result."
[ What we need now is examples to discuss. Could somebody please
[ create a list of readily available audio recordings (CDs) of
[ representative small and medium size fair and dance organs?
[ -- Robbie