When I lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one place I found which had all
kinds of brass tubing and flat stock is Howard Brass and Copper.
Oops! I just checked and found they do not stock brass anymore, but
I was referred to even a better source: Central Steel and Wire which
ships out of Chicago: tel. 1-800-621-8510 fax 1-800-232-9279 and web
site http://www.centralsteel.com/ The Milwaukee branch number is
Incidentally, I have a neighbor whose name is Pennelope (named after
a Greek goddess) and her name is _not_ pronounced Penn-o-lope but
Pen-el-oo-pee, consequently the calliope pronunciation should correspond.
Greg Filardo
[ In the classical Greek mythology, Calliope is the mother of Orpheus
[ and the Muse that presides over eloquence and heroic poetry. She
[ is also the chief of the nine Muses. Penelope is the faithful wife
[ of Odysseus. -- Robbie