I fully support the proposals to start a "wiki", but I do have a few
concerns:- The MMD Glue Wars, which are currently rumbling on, show
that there are areas which generate strong and differing opinions
which, if left to run amok on a wiki with open access, could destroy
it. So one principle we must accept unanimously is that there isn't
always a single "right" answer. In the case of the Glue Wars, a wiki
should give both the "Traditional" method, and the tried and tested
"Modern" method, as well as explaining the dangers of using modern
materials inappropriately. We will need an open-minded approach from
MMD has an international following, and we need to make sure that
a wiki should also be a global resource, thus acknowledging differences
in terminology, and availability and names for materials.
Although MMD does tend to major on the player piano family, there are
other areas of interest, and a wiki should be structured to cover the
whole range of mechanical music.
I'm not sure that a straightforward wiki is the right solution. My
limited knowledge of the Wikipaedia is that it is essentially a large
on-line dictionary. Our MMW (Mechanical Music Wiki) would, I think,
need to be more structured. It should hold historical information
about manufacturers, descriptions of different types of instruments,
as well as information on repair and restoration (and probably more).
I'm inclined to think that the wiki should have open "Read" access, but
authorised "Write" access. This means that one or more persons will
need to moderate it and authorise access, etc. Since Todd Augsburger
has already offered to do work on a wiki, and is a long standing MMDer,
I would certainly support his suggestions, but he probably needs help
from a few other well known members. Any volunteers? Finally, should
Todd just get on with it and see what happens, or do we need a wider
vote of support or something?
May the Force be with you! ;-))
John Farmer