I read with interest the use of various methods of reliable attachment
of pneumatics. I am for any method that prolongs long life of
instruments. Fire, earthquake, bad storage and amateur rebuilding will
take the toll of instruments, and its doubtful anyone in 200 years will
find many to enjoy. Likewise, Terry Smythe's MIDI files will be a
great source for study of musical styles with or without recutting.
It gets quite confusing when there are so many adhesives on the market.
It would greatly help if brand names were attached to RTV, PVA, PVC.
My organic chemistry knowledge is now 40 years behind me. Here in the
desert PVC means poly vinyl chloride, used for plumbing the yard
Is there anyone who has translated these acronyms into brand names on
this side of the Atlantic?
Bill Chapman - in the frozen desert of SW USA
[ The trouble with buying a brand name is you don't know what's inside
[ the container. That's why industry supports standards like MILSpec
[ and DIN in Germany. I'm sure that a precise specification exists
[ for the specific RTV adhesive used in space vehicles, so that exactly
[ the same product can be purchased later. (I wish I could locate the
[ the spec...). -- Robbie