Hello MMD, I have a question. I am beginning to do some work on my
player piano. I find that the wind motor on my 1924 Stroud Pianola
upright (Themodist Metrostyle) is very weak, and wheezing (leaking)
badly. This causes the roll to slow down considerably as more and
more paper is wound on the lower spool, and also makes it a lot
harder to pedal.
I have been in contact with a player piano restorer who told me to try
using cotton bellows cloth and Tacky glue to patch up the holes until
I can afford a proper restoration. I am willing to do this, but I was
wondering if what I purchased would be acceptable or have the life of
what the pro restorers do?
I purchased one-half yard of cotton drill 40 cloth with a very tight
weave, but yet it still seems flexible, and was wondering if this in
your opinions would be acceptable and last awhile? I have read Art
Reblitz's book section about what "not" to use and he states do not
using anything other than the proper bellows cloth.
The book recommends using sheepskin punchings for reinforcing corners
of bellows. I do not know where I can order such a thing, and in a
very small quantity as I would need.
Any thoughts on how durable you think this kind of repair would be?
I am just looking for a quick way to put off paying $3,800 for my stack
restoration, and I hope this would help for a while.
All the best,
Erik York