My web site has just been upgraded with
what I hope will be more useful information. In particular, data on
each manufacturer is now available by clicking on "information on
maker" on each page of the database. Also a page of answers to the
most frequently asked questions is included as "General Info". There
are now 5,760 entries in the database with more being added regularly.
I am grateful to Globalknowledge for hosting the site, and to Joop
Rodenburg for his untiring efforts to make the site more useful.
Brenda Ebie is spending countless hours finding new pictures to add
to the database, and Jim Tyler and hundreds of others have contributed
pictures and continue to contribute. The original site design was done
by Ulrich Averesch, and it remains as the basic format.
I welcome comments and suggestions as to further improvements which
could be made.
Robert (Fritz) Gellerman