I reposted the for-sale ad for Schulmerich rolls to the Carillon-L list,
which is where most of the carillon nuts from the Internet hang out.
I'll post here any replies from that list, because MMD has the best
I emailed Andre Nolf, who posted the ad to the 06.10.15 MMD, and got
this reply:
>Hi Marc,
>Thanks for the interest. I have no idea at this time what we have.
>There are probably 100 rolls all in the boxes. We basically like to
>sell the equipment (and there is lots of it) and the rolls, but not
>necessarily together. Everything was stored for the last 35 years.
>Hope that helps. First we have to find out what this stuff is worth.
>Regards. Andre Nolf, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
He also sent pictures of a Schulmerich "Record-a-Bell" and what
looks like a 25-note carillon, as well as a picture of a Maas-Rowe
cabinet. I don't think I can post them to this list, but I will
forward Andre's email with the pictures to anyone who asks.
Marc Kaufman