Hi Group, I have seven Octave organ rolls (Octave with a "c," instead of a
"k"). They are Play-Rite recuts, and they play on a standard 88-note
player piano.
A sample leader is imprinted with the following information:
Octave Organ Rolls
488 Fredericks St.,
N. Tonawada [sic], NY 14120
[the other rolls spell Tonawanda correctly]
Suggested Registration
1. Full Organ (Swell to Great)
2. Swell Organ Swell Shades Closed)
3. Full Organ without reeds
4. Swell Organ without reeds
5. Great Organ without reeds
Tempo 70
Introduction and Menuet
From Suite Gothique
L. Boellmann
Played by Lee Teply
Numbers keyed to the suggested registrations are stamped along the left
edge of the roll. The rewind perforation is on the left edge.
The large roll is:
111 Prelude & Fugue in D-Major J. S. Bach
The 6 small rolls (all played by Teply) are:
109 Introduction and Menuet from Suite Gothique, by L. Boellmann
104 Toccata from Suite Gothique, by L. Boellmann
106 Noel XII Noel Suisse, by Daquin
107 Psalm XIX, by Marcello
103 Toccata, by E. Gigout
110 Priere a Notre-Dame (Suite Gothique)
Each of the rolls has been played once or twice, but they are basically
mint. Box tops scuffed above the flanges (Play-Rite boxes). I would be
willing to sell them.
Jack M. Conway,
Los Angeles, Calif.