I must make a correction to my note in the MMD for 06.10.03. The
advice about having the pneumatics falling closed under their own
weight did not come from Craig Brougher. At least not pertaining to
striker pneumatics.
Here is Craig's email to me. It explains how to remedy a glue problem
close to the hinge:
Hi Pete,
Say, I never said any such thing about pneumatics and hope
you will take the time to correct that. As a matter of
fact, some player manufacturers even put springs in the
pneumatics (besides Aeolian Duo-Art)to speed the opening
return and get the pneumatic out of the way of the piano
There is one pneumatic however that has to be floppy, and
this is what I talked about -- the Schulz pouch pneumatic,
which has to close by its own weight.
That said, too many newly covered pneumatics tend to have
glue webbed between the leaves at the hinge, making them
stiff, and that is not good. So if you use hot hide glue
you can let the pneumatic dry hard, close it and then hit
the flat side of the hinge with a rosin hammer smartly,
smashing the little drops of hardened glue that would cause
the bind, without causing the hinge to wobble.
This applies only to pouch pneumatics which blow outward.
That includes cuckoo clock pneumatics.
Craig Brougher
Setting the record straight,
Pete Knobloch