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MMD > Archives > September 2006 > 2006.09.30 > 06Prev  Next

FS: Ampico Piano Rolls, Chicopee, Mass.
By Andy Raymond

I received this e-mail from Debbie Socha, who wants to find a good home
for over 100 Ampico rolls:

  I am in the process of clearing my parents home, as they have both
  passed on.  Dad was a collector of many things, among them many
  Ampico piano rolls. We used to play them years back when we had a
  summer home on the lake.  They brought us many years of smiles and
  laughter.  Now I am faced with the enormous task of finding good
  homes for a lot of their items.  I know there are several player
  pianos in the basement and the Ampico rolls in their original boxes.
  They are stacked neatly in a wonderful piano-roll case, which is
  actually a nice piece of furniture.

  All items are still stored at my late parents' home in Chicopee,
  Mass., a small town outside Springfield, Mass., and about 35 minutes
  from Hartford, Conn.  Anyone interested in these items, please email
  me at [delete .geentroep].

  Debbi Socha

Please direct all responses to Debbi, not to me.

Andy Raymond

(Message sent Mon 25 Sep 2006, 14:06:33 GMT, from time zone GMT-1000.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampico, Chicopee, FS, Mass, Piano, Rolls

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