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MMD > Archives > September 2006 > 2006.09.29 > 06Prev  Next

Adding Player Action to Parlor Organ
By Mike Knudsen

In the 06.09.28 MMD David Schroth asked about adding a player action to
his parlor organ.

I would suggest two possibilities.  One would be to copy the Aeolian
Orchestrelle scale, which was made for a one-manual multi-rank reed
organ with a sub-bass octave of special bass reeds.  Since your organ
has a pedal section, you could tube that region of the Orchestrelle
tracker bar into the Pedal notes.  Plenty of good rolls are available.
You could probably get the spool frame and primary action from a beyond-
restoration Orchestrelle, and adapt player-piano pneumatics to operate
your organ's (tracker mechanical?) action.

The other idea is to just skip rolls and go to computer (MIDI) control.
This requires some fairly hefty magnets on the trackers, but pipe organ
companies do make them.  You could then make your own arrangements, or
adapt MIDI scans of piano and Orchestrelle rolls to your system.  You'd
have complete control of each key, manual, or pedal.

Be aware though -- most piano arrangements need a lot of work to sound
decent on an organ.  I've been adapting my ragtime compositions to crank
organ, and it isn't easy!

Mike Knudsen

(Message sent Fri 29 Sep 2006, 02:55:23 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Action, Adding, Organ, Parlor, Player

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