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MMD > Archives > September 2006 > 2006.09.28 > 06Prev  Next

Estimated Restoration Times
By Niels Berkers

As a very unprofessional rebuilder, rebuilding my player action took me
two years.  Well not two years full-time of course.  I have to go to
school, and I have a job on Saturdays.  So that leaves me with Sundays.
Let's say I work about a half day per week: that's about 25 days a year.
So I spent about 50 days on the rebuilding, not including the piano
action.  And there still are some small things that need attention.

I wrote earlier about notes playing soft.  Well, it turned out that two
or three had debris on the valves (so they wouldn't close fully) and two
had leaking pneumatics.  Now I'm left with three or so that don't play
at all.  But I'll figure that out.

I'm now working on a friend's player, a 73/88-note early Hupfeld
Phonola.  I'm being even more careful with that one, because it is such
a beauty.  The work is not going that fast, but I'd like to hope the
result will be as good as that of professional rebuilders.  I know it
won't be, as I lack their experience, but I'm trying as hard as I can.

Regards from the Netherlands,
Niels Berkers

(Message sent Thu 28 Sep 2006, 08:35:01 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.)

Key Words in Subject:  Estimated, Restoration, Times

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