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MMD > Archives > September 2006 > 2006.09.27 > 03Prev  Next

Estimated Restoration Times
By Bill Maguire

Phillip Pardue writes in the 06.09.26 MMD:

  I was curious how long the restoration of an ordinary player action
  takes those that do this professionally.  I have heard three days
  for the restoration of the entire player action, top and bottom.

I would not want to be the customer on the receiving end of that 3-day
"complete restoration."  I keep track of the time my player restorations
take in order to figure on how much I should charge and my estimated
turn-around time.  Below is the approximate average time a Standard or
Aeolian would take me to restore.  I have a fully equipped shop with
specialty player piano tools, jigs, and fixtures, and 21 years

Bottom bellows-pedals: 10-15 hours; pneumatics, leather nuts, arms,
gaskets: 20-24 hours; valves, pouches: 24 hrs; tracker, air motor
governor, and other devices using medium bellows cloth: 12 hrs;
spoolbox, transmission tubing, brass parts, screw polishing, cosmetics:
6-12 hrs.

We really work hard for our money. I hope that helps.

Bill Maguire

(Message sent Wed 27 Sep 2006, 14:01:17 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Estimated, Restoration, Times

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