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MMD > Archives > August 2006 > 2006.08.30 > 04Prev  Next

Coin-Op Nickelodeon with Solenoid Player
By Ed Gaida

My experience with solenoid operated player pianos is limited.
I keep it that way!

Two months ago I received a call for service on a solenoid operated
nickelodeon.  I informed the customer that I knew absolutely nothing
about the problem he was experiencing and referred him to the
manufacturer for technical support.

He replied, "I already did that and they gave me your name and
telephone number".  'Twould have been nice of the manufacturer to
inform me that I had suddenly and without warning become a technician
for their system.

I called the manufacturer's tech support line and related the problem
with the piano.  His response was, "We did not make too many of those
and I don't know anything about them."

I asked, "Could you tell me whom I might speak to in order to find out
if anyone can help me?"

"No, sorry."

Today I received another call from the customer asking if I had had any
luck securing technical support for his coin operated nickelodeon that
he paid $25,000 for.  I told him that I had run into several blank walls
and had even been told that the company _never_ made coin operated

"What would you suggest," he asked.

"Let me rebuild the Western Electric Style X that served you faithfully
for over 40 years before you shoved it into the back room".

"Come give us an estimate".

I have an appointment with them next week to give an estimate to
rebuild a very "grand old lady".  The cost will not be $25,000!

Ed Gaida
San Antonio, Texas

(Message sent Wed 30 Aug 2006, 21:51:59 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Coin-Op, Nickelodeon, Player, Solenoid

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