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MMD > Archives > August 2006 > 2006.08.25 > 01Prev  Next

Spencer Chase Hospitalized
By Tim Baxter

I received a call today from Steve Guinn, Spencer's partner, to let
me know that Spencer has been hospitalized following a dangerous fall
from the loft in their house.  Spencer has broken several bones quite
seriously and initially had a brain hematoma (which has since been
successfully drained).

Spencer is presently in surgical ICU and is in stable condition.
He likely has several months of hospitalization and rehab ahead of
him.  His condition is improving remarkably already, though, and one
ICU nurse stated that he was doing "great" (all things considered).

He is on a lot of pain medication, but was lucid enough today to
ask Steve for a laptop and wireless mouse (please note, though, that
Spencer will _not_ be allowed to have computer access at the hospital
and that we cannot expect to hear from Spencer directly for some time).
Steve has offered to send updates on Spencer's condition, which I will
post to the MMD.

Flowers are not recommended (since he may be in ICU or similar for
some time), and for the same reason, phone calls are discouraged, but
"Get Well" cards can be sent to Spencer at

  Mercy Medical Center Redding
  2175 Rosaline Ave.
  Redding, CA 96001

Please keep Spencer in your prayers that he may have an quick, easy
and full recovery.

Tim Baxter

(Message sent Fri 25 Aug 2006, 02:25:40 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Chase, Hospitalized, Spencer

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