Dear MMDs, Does any reader encounter any problem with another
correspondent having a e-mail address?
I live in France and have no problems with my many correspondents,
except with one American correspondent having an address.
Last year, the attachments were suddenly refused, then all the e-mails.
Explanation (from the ATT web site): If too many spams come from
another provider to ATT, ATT stops every contact with this provider,
and asks the people concerned to protest to their provider so that he
installs a better anti-spam policy. This is of course unworkable as
my French provider ( has millions of subscribers, and I do not
feel responsible for the spams some individuals may send from this
provider to ATT!
So I subscribed to a second provider ( with several millions
subscribers too. Everything went well until recent days when ATT
stopped for the same reasons all messages coming from that provider!
(Perhaps in relation with the actual international menaces in London
Can someone tell me what I shall do, if I do not want to subscribe
to a third provider just for my only correspondent who is on
Or ask him to change from ATT, but that seems impossible, and my
correspondent, who has very few foreign correspondents, has problems
only with me, from Europe. I am very interested in your reactions.
Kind regards,
Philippe Rouillé (Paris, France)
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