Was buying some Dodge Brothers car parts yesterday, and on a shelf in
the garage is a small box with large cable with a multipin connector,
and against the wall is a bracket of coils and a long cable with
matching connector. Next to the small box is a box full of about 6"
long, 1-1/2" rectangular boxes with labels, lots of different tunes.
Inside these boxes is a round canister with "brass shim stock" type
metal, sorta like a film can.
I believe this is a piano playing mechanism, but can't get closer to
it to take it down and look at it (the garage is _full_). Anyone know
what I'm looking at? Any idea of it's value? The family does not own
a piano, but the late father did collect many things, as evidenced by
the full garage and the oddities it contains. I wish I could remember
the label, something like "Electra..."
David Dewey
[ Check these keywords at http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/KWIC/T.html
[ Tel-Electric, Tel-Elektra, Telelectric, Telektra -- Robbie