In response to the inquiry about drilling a music box cylinder
[060605 MMDigest], I have a computerized cylinder drilling and pinning
machine which I have developed which can do the job. I developed it
to produce cylinders for new musical movements which I hope to sell,
though thus far I have only used it commercially to re-pin old cylinders.
To make a cylinder you would need to determine the desired tube
diameter and length and the tip spacing. Unless the comb is a small
modern manufactured comb, it is best to measure the tip spacing of each
tooth rather than find an average tip spacing over the whole comb and
assume the there is no variation from tooth to tooth.
To the gentleman who inquired, I would need the pin locations either as
a spreadsheet of track and angle data or as a MIDI file with the comb
tuning included. I have never made a cylinder for anything other than
the reproduction boxes that I am currently working on, but would be
happy to work with you.
Jonathan Herz
Herz Music Box Co.
Montpelier, Vermont [delete ".geentroep" to reply]
[ See Jonathan's articles on making musical boxes, indexed at
[ -- Robbie