What has happened to sources of shellac? Of those listed in
MMD Archives only Renshel Exports Pvt. Limited still has a web site.
I am still waiting for them to reply to see if they are really alive
or not.
Of those that I found on the Internet, most seem to have closed down.
Even www.shellac.com, which has a terrific web site, doesn't answer
e-mails and the phone number listed has been disconnected.
A lot of you MMDigest readers praise shellac for finishing mechanical
musical instruments. So, where do you buy it? Here in the New York
City area no one seems to carry shellac in any form except Home Depot,
which carries only Zinsser canned shellac, which does not have nearly
the 3-year shelf life that the manufacturer claims.
Dry shellac, button shellac, dewaxed shellac, shellac flakes, etc.,
are all mentioned on nearly every reputable woodworking web site that
I check, but none of them give a source where one can actually buy it.
Vincent Morgan, Queens, New York