For a project I need to know what the French word is for
"organ grinder". Anyone here who can help me?
Renaissance Le Corbeau
[ Found at
[ Tourneur (d'orgue) - organ grinder
[ Definition: The one who, behind his organ of Barbary, turns the
[ crank, and in this way "plays" the organ while moving the punched
[ cardboard at a regulated speed. There is no exact terminology to
[ designate the street singer who accompanies himself with his organ
[ of Barbary.
[ In other lands of the world:
[ le tourner (d'orgue) (the turner/operator) -- French-speaking lands
[ the organ grinder -- English-speaking lands
[ der Drehorgler (the man with the crank organ) -- Germany
[ der Werkelmann (the workman) -- Austria
[ sharmanshchika -- Russia (sharmanka: barrel-organ)
[ -- Robbie