Hello MMD Readers, Having recently acquired a piano with a
Welte-Mignon player system I am now looking at building a music
library of rolls. In looking at some of the eBay auctions and
also in perusing MMD Archives, I see references to Welte Red (T-100)
rolls and Welte Green (T-98) which, as a neophyte, I find confusing.
I was wondering if there is a good primer available that I might
glean an education on the differences of the many varieties of rolls
produced over the years. Of course, my focus is on the rolls available
for the Welte 'Licensee' player, but the entire subject is sure to be
fascinating. Any information from you as contributors to MMD, or leads
to publications, will be very appreciated.
Best regards,
Chuck Schoppe,
Los Gatos, California
[ Music rolls for the Welte-Mignon system were produced in three
[ related but incompatible versions. The year that the system
[ was introduced is shown in parentheses:
[ (1905) T-100 'Red': 12.90" wide, 100 channels, lock & cancel
[ (1916) 'Licensee': 11.25" wide, 98 channels, lock & cancel
[ (1922) T-98 'Green': 11.25" wide, 98 channels, not lock & cancel
[ MMD articles about Welte and Welte-Mignon are indexed at
[ http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/KWIC/W/welte.html
[ http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/KWIC/W/welte_mignon.html
[ -- Robbie