To appreciate Rosemarie & Peter Hood's "Rollcutter Amateur Organ
Builder's Rendezvous" you have to open the registration form RTF file
at That file is actually a mailer to
prospective attendees with a good bit of detailed information.
It isn't just an informal exchange of ideas at an organ rally. While
there is a two-day weekend rally open to the public, that is preceded
by two full days of scheduled talks and demonstrations with evening
entertainment. For early arrivals, there is a two day program of coach
(US "bus") trips, one to France for wine, and one to a music museum.
I'd sure like to attend, but I can't this year.
Nothing directly indicates that this activity is restricted to John
Smith organ designs, but is focused on support of Smith
organ builders through the sale of plans, parts, and rolls. The Smith
designs started with the simple valveless 20er busker organ, but now
has four designs extending through one comparable with a
MIDI-controlled Wurlitzer band organ.
My reason for presenting this summary is to point out that there is
a huge difference between informal discussion and looking at organs
at a rally and a real builders' support event.
I'd like to see COAA (and other American event sponsors) consider
adding formal events directed at new builders. Planned evening
sessions would be an easy first step, then perhaps adding an all-day
Friday program. Given the plans currently available here, three
focuses seem appropriate, one on 20er and other simple designs, one
on "Wurlitzer reproductions," and one on MIDI and other electronic
interfaces. Some topics like pipe and bellows construction and
materials selection can serve a broader group of builders, provided
that they cover basics.
Wallace Venable