The recent exchanges concerning music roll auctions and, in particular,
the demise of the QRS auction service, prompts me to remind MMD readers
that The Player Piano Group's new and second-hand roll auction service
"PostBid Plus", the longest established specialist roll auction service
in the UK, continues to go from strength to strength.
Our current catalogue (No. 59) contains nearly 700 lots and features
many interesting roll types such as Duo-Art, Ampico, Welte Licensee,
and "Green" Welte, plus Aeolian 58-note and 116-note organ rolls. We
are also offering this time a good selection of ragtime, blues and jazz
piano rolls.
Although primarily operated as a service to members of the PPG, PostBid
Plus is also open to non-members worldwide, on a simple subscription
basis. Our current charge is £3.50 per year (3 catalogues) for UK
subscribers; overseas subscribers will be quoted for individually.
As a special offer to MMD readers, we shall be pleased to send a free
copy of our current catalogue by e-mail to anyone who sends us an
e-mail request to <>.
Fraternal greetings to all.
David Perry
Organiser, PPG PostBid Plus Music Roll Auctions