Greetings, I have a batch of Wurlitzer Autograph rolls that I am
scanning and hope to find some information about them so that I don't
have to figure out a few things on my own.
These rolls are from sourced from Welte rolls. Not sure whether Red
or Green Welte or whatever. They are perforated at 9 holes to the inch
and appear to have Welte Licensee coding, with the likely exceptions that
one or both pedals are not coded for lock-and-cancel. This appears to
be the case because there are long chains of perforations on the track
that would be the sustain pedal cancel on a Welte Licensee format.
There also seems to be little expression coding on some tracks on the
bass end, possibly because the bass expression is offset to allow for
more notes?
Does anyone have information on these rolls regarding the tracker bar
scale? Also, none of the rolls has a tempo marked. Is it the same as
Welte T100 or some other constant value?
Best regards,
Spencer Chase
Garberville, Calif.
[ The rolls you describe may be related to the "Art Apollo" format
[ developed by Melville Clark shortly before Wurlitzer acquired
[ Melville Clark Piano Company around 1916. Terry Smythe received
[ this information from Art Reblitz:
[ The Art Apollo player piano (a.k.a. Apollo X, QRS Red X,
[ QRS Autograph Automatic, Price & Teeple Art Symphonola, and
[ Seeburg XP) played rolls 11-1/4" wide with 9 holes per inch.
[ It had perforations in both margins for controlling expression
[ automatically. Here's the tracker scale:
[ 1 Full vacuum to stack (crash)
[ 2 Sustaining pedal
[ 3 Expression soft, 4-step ratchet
[ 4 Expression loud, 4-step ratchet
[ 5 Rewind
[ 6 Shutoff
[ 7-92: 86 playing notes, B to C
[ 93 Bass hammer rail up (soft)
[ 94 Treble hammer rail up (soft)
[ 95 Accent
[ 96 Play (cancel rewind)
[ Many tracker scales and key frame layouts are included in "The
[ Golden Age of Automatic Musical Instruments," copyright 2001
[ by Arthur A. Reblitz, and in "Treasures of Mechanical Music,"
[ copyright 1981 by Arthur A. Reblitz and Q. David Bowers.
[ -- Robbie