After finding out that Phenoseal is not PVC-E glue mixed with water,
I decided to do an experiment and find out what PVC-E and water is
like. I mixed about 50-50 and the result was a liquid like milk that
could easily be painted onto wood. I took a slice off a 2" by 3" about
1/2" thick, and drilled a hole down, then I inserted a brass nipple and
glued it in with silicone rubber.
When I put a rubber tube over this nipple, with the other end in my
mouth, I found considerable leakage when I applied a vacuum. I painted
on two coats of the thin PVC-E all over the wood block. After a short
dry, the block was 100% airtight, and I do not mean 99%. An extra
bonus is that the milky liquid dried to a really nice look on the
painted pine. They can probably sell it as a perfect sealant for wood,
concrete, and many other applications. No fumes from volatile liquids,
it's like painting milk onto any surface.
Try it yourself; I invite all comments
Randolph Herr