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MMD > Archives > February 2006 > 2006.02.01 > 07Prev  Next

Source of Phenoseal
By Ken Vinen

The grand and venerable Player Piano Company of Wichita, Kansas,
still offers Phenoseal in two sizes: 8 ounce and one quart, at
$5.38 and $17.25.  These are the current prices!  Stock number is
326 or 2326.

There is a web site and on-line catalogue for the Player Piano
Company and you can order through that way, however the site is done
by a friend of the company because Durrell is not a great believer
in computers.  Personally, I still like to phone my orders in and get
to talk with the wonderful folks there who have been filling my player
piano repair needs for over forty years.

This is the only complete player piano parts and materials supply house
that sells to both the hobbyist and the professional.  The prices are
more than fair and the service, usually same day shipping, just can't
be touched.

Best to all
Ken Vinen, Aylmer, Ontario, Canada

(Message sent Wed 1 Feb 2006, 15:54:52 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Phenoseal, Source

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