The Law of Unforeseen Consequences has emerged. My roll scanning
efforts are provoking an ever growing number of inquiries about how to
equip a roll playing instrument with e-valves, such that the instrument
can be played from a nearby computer containing a virtually unlimited
number of midi files.
There is a discussion group dedicated to "E-Roll Collectors" within
which some discussion has emerged from time to time relative to e-valve
midi systems and their construction. It may be accessed off:
As the volume of these inquiries have increased in recent months,
I find myself repeatedly referring people to MMD and the E-Roll
Collectors forum. Feedback would seem to suggest there may be a need
for a discussion group specifically oriented to the nuts and bolts
of assembling and installing e-valve systems. Such systems may range
from off-the-shelf individual components from a variety of suppliers or
complete proven commercial systems such as that made available from
Spencer Chase <>
In an effort to provide for such a forum, I have created a new
discussion group which may be accessed off
In about six months time we can assess its merits relative similar
discussions on other related groups. Thoughts of others on this
initiative would be appreciated.
Terry Smythe
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada