Hi All, I want to thank Wayne Johnson for the time he spent testing
and collect data on the starting current of a common player piano
Considering that many older homes in New Jersey have 15 amp fuses or
circuit breakers and the fact that the lights in the room always dim
when the motor is started, it now seems normal and should not,
therefore, be of any major concern...
The information Wayne provided will also be helpful in selecting a new
switch for the Ampico player that spirited me to ask the question in
the first place. Thanks again, Wayne.
John A Tuttle
Brick, New Jersey, USA
[ Wayne wrote me later about motor protection: "A standard Slo-Blo
[ fuse with a rating suitable for the running current plus a margin
[ -- say, a 3-amp fuse for a 2-amp motor -- will easily support the
[ start current without blowing." Have any readers experimented
[ with low-amperage fuses for player piano motors? -- Robbie