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In response to Don Teach's posting about nickelodeons: American
nickelodeons have always been among my most favorite of automatic
musical instruments, even though I don't currently own any. The first
coin-operated piano I remember seeing was a modern (presumably 1960's
or 70's) orchestrion that was made by the "Nickelodeon Piano Company"
and contained piano, accordion, and various percussion instruments.
It was on display in the cigar shop at Station Square in Pittsburgh,
but was eventually removed a number of years ago. I wonder if someone
on MMD can tell me what became of this particular instrument.
My first exposure to original nickelodeons was at the Musical Museum
in Deansboro, New York. Probably my two most favorite machines in the
bar room were the Seeburg KT Special and the Coinola CO orchestrions.
Since I was fascinated by percussion instruments as a kid, these
machines really held my attention.
Mike Roseboom
Binghamton, New York