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MMD > Archives > December 2005 > 2005.12.22 > 08Prev  Next

Schultz Player Piano Action & Restoration
By D. L. Bullock

Schulz player actions are infamous.  I used to charge an extra
$1,000.00 to restore a Schulz, however, now because of more efficient
rebuilding techniques we now use, I would not charge that much any

The main problem with Schulz player action restorations was the leather
and patent leather that was sold as valves for the system.  It leaked
like a sieve and most leather sold later over the last twenty years was
just as bad.  I now go pick my own leather from the supplier here in
St. Louis and I take my testing equipment to do so.  With a special die
made to cut out the Schulz valves here in the shop, it goes so much

I would have considered building a complete new stack rather than
rebuild a Schulz stack in previous years; however, that is no longer
something I would consider.  It is simply not a problem any longer.
The stack is more time intensive, however.  You must make new dowels
with regulation screw eyes and buttons on each action as these get
brittle and break readily.  Plus there are other things that are a
pain.  I hate the tracker system it is overly complex and does nothing.

I also charge more for Gulbransen glued stacks.  I have special ways of
doing those as well to simplify that process.

D.L. Bullock /

(Message sent Thu 22 Dec 2005, 15:58:43 GMT, from time zone GMT-0600.)

Key Words in Subject:  Action, Piano, Player, Restoration, Schultz

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