For years my mother used to listen to a programme on the radio,
beginning, that I recall, in the early 1940's. The tunes and music
was of the early 1900's when she was younger (born in 1900). I somehow
took to this music and when I learned the piano in 1943 I played these
tunes. If there had been a player piano in the house, I would most
certainly have liked that.
The point I am trying to make is that it is more favourable to be
weaned on this music and players before you get to the teenager stage,
as by then you are in a different "groove" and are influenced more by
your peers. I know times were different and we were not in an
"electronic" age and you really cannot compare it, in being the same
for youths.
The sheep dogs (the disc jockeys and bands) steer the sheep (the
teenagers) into the "route" they should take in all the decades we pass
through, and only some will escape and go another route.
Steve Bentley
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada