The extent of my expertise in this area is that I have a teenaged
daughter with a bunch of teenaged friends. Based on that, I'd like
to offer a suggestion that is practical and based on real but limited
A surprising number of kids that visit my house recognize and enjoy
Broadway show tunes. I suppose those might be among the last musical
arrangements that are usually listenable, compatible with mechanical
music devices, _and_ the publishers/producers spend a fortune _today_
to promote them. Probably a level of effort commensurate with the
Tin Pan Alley boys...
Especially Broadway shows that make it to motion pictures. i.e.,
"Chicago", "The Producers", etc. Also, though I think that a lack of
musical education is part of the overall problem (the root cause of
which should remain outside of the scope of this email). My daughter's
public school uses musical movies as part of their high school level
music education. So she and her friends have "Phantom" and "West Side
Story" on their iPods alongside the rap/hip-hop stuff that wouldn't
translate well to a paper roll. (Maybe MIDI? :)). Just my thoughts...
Steve Cobb
Kansas City, Missouri
P.S.: I'm shopping for a coin piano with pipes, if anyone has any ideas.