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[ Matt Jaro is creating an elaborate searchable database of style
[ A, G and 4X nickelodeon rolls which will soon be placed at the MMD
[ Media site. He is initially using the data collected in the 1960s
[ by Alan Lightcap, with supplemental data contributed later by Art
[ Reblitz and Dave Junchen and others. The list of Clark style 4X
[ rolls is now entered in the database through 4X-415 (1940s songs),
[ but some rolls and their songs are still missing. He writes:
Below is a list of 4X rolls for which I have no information. Maybe
MMD readers can supply the missing info. I would like a photocopy
of an original roll label, or equivalent, showing the maker, roll
number, roll title, list of songs and song types.
Matt Jaro
Missing 4X roll data:
4X-101 4X-107 4X-109 4X-111 4X-140 4X-185 4X-196
4X-242 4X-243 4X-244
4X-314 4X-315 4X-316 4X-317 4X-318
4X-320 4X-321 4X-324 4X-329
4X-330 4X-331 4X-336 4X-337 4X-338 4X-339
4X-341 4X-343 4X-345 4X-346 4X-347 4X-348 4X-349
4X-350 4X-351 4X-353 4X-355