Hi All, Here's a thought: The motor isn't running backwards. It's the
wrong motor. Reminds me of a phrase: If it looks like a duck, and quacks
like a duck, it must be a duck. The question is: What kind of a duck is
it? Perhaps the old motor burned out and was replaced with one that
looked the same...
The correct Ampico motor is a Holtzer-Cabot ST-17, which turns clockwise.
The Duo-Art motor is a Holtzer-Cabot ST-16, which turns counter-clockwise.
John A Tuttle
Brick, New Jersey, USA
[ The ST-17 motor for Ampico is slightly smaller than the ST-16.
[ Examples of Holtzer-Cabot and Emerson motors seen in North American
[ pianos are described at http://mmd.foxtail.com/Tech/Motors/index.html
[ We need data for 50 Hz 220-volt European versions. -- Robbie