By "the British pianola group" I think Eliyahu Shahar probably means
the Player Piano Group (PPG), which was founded here in the UK in 1959
by the late Frank Holland, who created London's well-known Musical
Museum. Our current long-standing Vice President is Yvonne
Hinde-Smith, daughter of Reginald Reynolds, the London Duo-Art
recording engineer and editor, and we still have several members
with links to the world of the player piano going back before WW2.
The PPG is run entirely for the benefit of its members and we try
to make it is easy as possible to join; we have managed to keep our
membership rates still very low and in round figures. Rather than
pay bank charges, overseas members can simply send such relatively
small sums in Sterling (Pounds UK) bank notes relatively safely through
the post (I have often done this myself and never lost anything), but
David Perry, who runs our amazingly comprehensive PostBid Plus auction
service, reminds me that it is in fact possible to send membership fees
through its PayPal account.
Remittances may be made to the credit of with
a message making it clear the sum is a PPG Membership Subscription,
plus name and address, etc. _But,_ to use this service, as with
PostBid Plus, payers _must_ add 5% to cover PayPal's charge to the PPG.
David will ensure that our Membership Secretary and Treasurer receive
full details.
Because of its members, the PPG really is one of the finest
repositories of knowledge about the player piano, and we constantly
share information on instruments, their history, and how to rebuild
them successfully and play them musically. Despite our low membership
fees we are in a very healthy state and constantly strive to return
full value to members. Our Bulletin, published four times a year,
covers an impressive variety of topics, and other important occasional
publications, CDs and books are given free to members or offered at
preferential rates. We hold regular delightful social meetings and
house concerts. And PostBid Plus offers a huge selection of rolls,
books, ancilliaries and even instruments.
So there are many excellent reasons to join -- and it's really not
Patrick Handscombe
Committee Chairman, The Player Piano Group