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MMD > Archives > August 2005 > 2005.08.24 > 02Prev  Next

Organ-Building Book "Kistdraaiorgel" in English
By Norman Narmore

Hello group.  I was very excited to read in 050731 MMDigest ["Building
a New Band Organ"] that there is now an English translation of the
excellent book, "Kistdraaiorgel - bouwbeschrijving", by Professor Johan
de Vries.  This is an wonderful book on building a small 32- or 36-note
Dutch street organ.

I have posted a request for pricing and payment information to
<> several times this month but have yet to receive
a reply from them.  I have nearly worn out my Dutch language copy of
the book and I am eager to purchase the English version.

If you recently purchased the book from "Huismuziek", or know of another
way to purchase the book, I would love to hear about it.  It did just
occur to me to also email a message to Professor de Vries so maybe
something will come of that.

Best regards,
Norman Narmore
Atlanta, Georgia

 [ The new English version is entitled "Small Barrel Organ - Building
 [ Instructions".  The bulk of the translation was by Henk DeGraauw of
 [ Canada, an experienced organ-builder himself.  He has some copies
 [ of the new book for sale in North America; write to
 [   Henk Degraauw
 [   24 Beechwood Crescent
 [   Brampton, Ontario  L6T 1Y1
 [   email:
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 24 Aug 2005, 13:38:53 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Book, English, Kistdraaiorgel, Organ-Building

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