I suppose should throw my hat into the ring of those producing Duo-Art
rolls! As touched on from time to time in MMD over the past three
years or so, I now possess the "Laguna Rolls" 88-note Themodist /
Duo-Art perforator constructed by the late Steve Cox. I'm coming to
the end of a distinctly prolonged pre-production phase, and with a
great deal of help from the many fine folk in the rollscanners group
I am now in the position to offer a limited supply of replica Duo-Art /
Themodist rolls.
These are from reconstructed master rolls so the punch pattern should
be exact, cut to the correct step rate, and with authentic small
"snakebite" accent holes. There are some deliberate departures from
the original: long slots can have additional bridges inserted for
stability, and rewind holes are always five seconds after the end of
the music -- rather longer than most original rolls!
I can cut anything that has been scanned by the roll scanners (or any
other) technology and a master roll recreated from it using software
by Warren Trachtman, Wayne Stahnke or Anthony Robinson. I don't need
the original rolls, unless scanning them myself. In time this ought
to allow a fairly comprehensive master-roll library to be built up.
I can also produce new rolls from MIDI files.
I'm in England so the exchange rate and postage costs need to be to
be considered by many potential buyers. No web site yet, I'm afraid.
Write if you want to know more.
Julian Dyer