The popular circus tune by Julius Fucik goes by two different names,
"Entry of the Gladiators" or "Thunder and Blazes". The story I've
heard forever from various generally believable band conductors is
that when taken at a stately "British March" tempo (circa MM=120) it's
titled "Entry of the Gladiators", and when taken at "Circus Tempo"
(Presto, MM=160+) it's "Thunder and Blazes".
I'm curious if this convention is followed in mechanical music. All
of the recorded fairground organ versions I have are titled "Entry of
the Gladiators" (well, a couple have been altered to "Entrance..."),
and they are played at the slower tempo. Does anyone know of a roll
or book where the "Thunder and Blazes" title is used as the primary?
If so, is the tempo Presto? Is the band music convention an urban myth?
Roger Wiegand
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA