News from one of the trade magazines for the music industry reports
that Zenph Studios has developed software to convert audio piano
recordings into MIDI files. Zenph's software can also convert an
artist's off-the-cuff improvisation into something that can be
reperformed or printed as sheet music.
They demonstrated the results in May at the BTI Center for the
Performing Arts in Raleigh, N.C. Those attending were treated to
performances by Alfred Cortot playing Chopin from 1926 and Glenn Gould
playing Bach in 1955. For the live re-creation, Zenph has been using
the Yamaha Disklavier Pro model which is the only musical instrument
in production capable of high definition MIDI storage and playback.
This information from the magazine Music Inc., August 2005, by Maher
Publications Inc., 102 N. Haven, Elmhurst, IL 60126-2932
Don Teach - Shreveport Music Co.
Shreveport, Louisiana
[ At : "We take piano recordings
[ and convert them back into the keystrokes and pedal motions that
[ could be used to encode an identical live performance." -- Robbie