In response to Bill Sharkey's problem with keys not dropping [050712
MMDigest] -- if the piano action is performing normally, it sounds
to me like the key bushings are binding.
Were the keys re-bushed? If so, its a possibility that the front rail
pins may have been turned in the past. As the front rail bushings
compact, often these oval shaped pins are turned by technicians as
a means of dealing with the resulting side to side motion created when
the bushings compress. If you don't return these to the original
position, with the alignment of the pins parallel to the sides of the
piano, you can have binding when you re-bush. Beyond this, I'd check
to see that all the keys are eased properly: each should fall easily on
its pins with no difficulty at all, but there should also be no "pulley
keys", or keys with excess side to side or forward to back motion
Beyond that, there's the possibility of a foreign object in there
somewhere, but if it is _every_ key doing this, it's going to be
a pretty large one.
My two cents on that one...
Bryan Cather
Saint Louis Missouri, where I hope the rain has quit --
I have clothes to dry...