All: I just received the MBSI Video, "Marvels of Mechanical Music",
last night, and have not even had a chance to view it. However,
I offer the following comments:
- Through the MBSI web site I ordered it on-line through PayPal for
the full $19.95 price, but with no shipping cost; no time needed for
a "snailmail" letter to be sent out to order the video, and I got it
in about four days!
- Attached to the video is an application form to join MBSI, and an
extensive set of good notes about the history of mechanical music, etc.
However, in the section listing the major collecting organizations to
which an interested person could join, AMICA was not listed; although
this is obviously an MBSI effort, certainly AMICA is more relevant
to a presumed United States group of interested individuals than the
several European organizations that were listed following MBSI which
was, of course, listed first.
Pat DeWitt