As a new subscriber to MMDigest and to mechanical musical instruments
in general, I read with great interest the latest articles concerning
this subject and thought I would provide a little hope and
encouragement to the collecting community.
I'm 38 years old and never heard a player piano until two years ago!
Now I'm hooked for life! I bet there are a lot of younger people out
there who have no interest, because they know absolutely nothing about
mechanical musical instruments.
I now own two player pianos, a 1913 Aeolian Themodist and a 1913
Steinway Duo-Art. I plan to buy an Ampico next year and who knows what
else as time goes on. I'm thoroughly hooked and even plan to begin
learning how to rebuild and restore instruments soon.
Of course I already was an avid antiquer and collector before
I stumbled unto mechanical musical instruments, so I guess I may have
been predisposed to take an interest, but it just goes to show that
there are a few younger folks taking up the hobby.
Brian Stahl [delete ".geentroep" to reply]