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Roll-Mending Tape
By Ken Vinen

Fellow MMDers,

On Tom Hutchinson's subject of roll-mending tape.  Yes, he did purchase
this material well over twenty years ago -- perhaps as long as thirty
years back!

Not wishing to invoke the wrath of Durrell Armstrong and his Player
Piano Company, which has served us all well, I respectfully suggest that
Durrell is having a senior moment.

I stocked up on this tape about thirty years ago.  I guess the only
reason I still have a supply is because I stopped using it when it was
reported that Scotch-type tape would dry, fall off, shrink and pucker
the paper, leaving a sticky mess.

Now, three decades later, my old repairs are still as good as new, and
the remaining tape is still in a condition to use like it was new.

As for the memory of my friend Durrell: his catalogue no. 266 was for
tape 1/8 inch by 1296 inches.  Catalogue no. 267 was for a tape 1/4" by
1296 inches.  Both were 3-M's Scotch Magic No. 810.  The boxes show it
was made in St. Paul, Minn.

I rmember speaking with Durrell at an AMICA convention about the tape,
and I recall his comment that it took way to long to re-sell, so it
would not be retained as a PPCo stock item.  But it was a super product
and wonderful to use when repairing Ampico rolls.

Would it be worthwhile to approach 3-M and see what they say about its
current availability?

Best to all,
Ken Vinen
Aylmer, Ontario, Canada.

(Message sent Tue 14 Jun 2005, 17:05:35 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Roll-Mending, Tape

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