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MMD > Archives > June 2005 > 2005.06.04 > 08Prev  Next

Declining Prices
By Alan Fox

Many years ago when I began collecting antiques, including mechanical
music items, the market was hot, and I got the impression that the
demand was being driven by a commodities-market mindset: "better buy
them today because the price will be higher tomorrow."  I'm sure some of
you remember when many instruments were finding new homes in Japan.  As
a neophyte, most of my mentors advised me to collect what I liked and
not to expect a profit upon resale, because collecting interests and
economics tend to go in cycles.  I suppose the relevance of this varies
depending on whether one is a true collector or a dealer.

I've had a lot of fun and enjoyment along the way, especially from the
camaraderie of fellow mechanical music enthusiasts and from having
informational resources such as the MMD available.  For collectors, I
think the current downward price trend presents a golden opportunity to
enhance their collections.  The sad aspect of a declining
interest/demand base is that we are losing valuable talented mechanical
music restorers.  This is where everyone feels the hurt and void.

Alan Fox
Antique Melodies Museum
Santa Barbara, CA

(Message sent Sat 4 Jun 2005, 16:08:26 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Declining, Prices

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