Hi Group, I tried to contact Herman Lokenberg for a list of 33 cm.
Kalliope disks. The email to the address in the MMD was returned. Does
this have something to do with the new spam blocker that was installed
to stop the flood of spam from Germany and Afghanistan? Do I have to
unblock his address to be able to send an email to him?
Jack M. Conway
Los Angeles, CA
[ No, the problem has more to do with the stupidity of your MMD
[ Relief Editor. I had to do some follow-up correspondence with
[ Herman to clarify his listing, and didn't notice that the email
[ address which that correspondence was going through was not the
[ one Herman gave for use in replying to his FS ad. The proper
[ email address for Herman, which was corrected in the last MMD,
[ is hlokenberg@wanadoo.nl.geentroep (delete .geentroep)
[ --Editor.