Announcing tour: Mechanical Music and Christmas Markets of the Black
December 1 to December 10, 2005. With stops in Tubingen (Christmas
Market and historic carousel), Freiburg i.B. (exhibition "100 Years
Welte," Welte carillon, Welte church organ, Freiburg Christmas market),
Karlsruhe-Triberg (private collection visit, Schwarzwald Music Museum),
Waldkirch-Elztal (mechanical organ manufactory, Elztal Mechanical Music
Museum), Furtwangen-Titisee (German Clock Museum, cuckoo clock
demonstration), Haigerloch (visit to master clockmaker Matthias
Naeschke), Metzingen (shopper's paradise, high-end factory outlets, 70%
off), Stuttgart (oldest, largest, best Christmas market in Europe),
Ettlingen (private collection of cylinder boxes and mechanical music,
demonstration of restoring Welte Concert Organ), Ludwigsburg (baroque
Christmas market), Speyer-Bruschsal (several museum or collection
Departure from New York (or other gateway airports) to Stuttgart; return
from Stuttgart to point of origin. $1,795.00 per person, double
occupancy, with $240.00 single supplement, if desired.
Nick Lerescu
Advantage Tours Int'l