I am very sad at the demise of Austin organ company. However, do not
write off the pipe organ industry in the USA: there are many other
organ companies that thrive or at least still make a living. With this
economy the only folks that thrive are the hyper-wealthy.
Remember: Schantz in Orrville, Ohio; Reuter Organ in Lawrence, Kansas;
Wicks Organ in Highland, Illinois (about 45 minutes from me) -- these
would be among the largest.
There are many other small builders who order their pipes from those
above and from Organ Supply Industries in Erie, Pennsylvania, and
from Stinkins in Holland and Laukhuff in Germany. There are also the
Rodgers and Allen organ companies who do more and more pipe combinations
and hybrids these days.
There are also many specialty organ makers like von Beckerath, who
I think is still around, with Schoenstein in San Francisco. I am not
sure of the size of Holtkamp Organ Co. and some of the others.
If you want a pipe organ there are numerous companies to help. If you
need an old one restored, the same firms including my own shop. We do
restorations and updates on pipe organs as well as enlargements. There
are many companies serving the pipe organ market.
DL Bullock - Dallas Pipe Organ Service
St. Louis